International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials, and Manufacturing ICAMMM on September 23-24, 2026 in London, United Kingdom

International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials, and Manufacturing ICAMMM on September 23-24, 2026 in London, United Kingdom

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International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials, and Manufacturing (ICAMMM) September 23, 2026 - London, United Kingdom
Applied Mechanics
Advanced Materials and Smart Structures
Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity
Biomechanics and Biomaterials
Compressible Flows
Computational and Experimental Mechanics
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computational/Numerical Methods in Applied Mechanics
Damage Identification and Non Destructive Evaluation
Dynamics and Control of Structures and Systems
Dynamic Instability and Buckling
Flows in Porous Media
Fluid Mechanics and Dynamics
Fluid-Structure Interaction
Geomechanics and Mechanics of Granular Materials
Heat and Mass Transfer
Impact and Multibody Dynamics
Oil and Gas applications
Manufacturing Processes
Mechanical Design
Mechanics of Nanomaterials
Micro Electromechanically Systems
Micro and Nanotechnology Applications
Nonlinear Dynamics, Structural Dynamics, and Control
Plasticity, Fracture, and Damage Mechanics
Surface Engineering and Contact Mechanics
Transport Phenomena in Micro/Nanoscale
Turbulence and Multiphase Flows
Vibrations, Acoustics, and Noise Control

Advanced materials
Biomolecular assembly
Bionano-technologies (including bioMEMs and microfluidics)
Conducting polymers and molecular materials
Electron microscopy
Functional nanocoatings
Hybrid materials
Nanoengineered materials and devices
Nanoparticle synthesis and applications
Nanopore science
Nanoscale optics
Nanotube growth and device concepts
New materials and devices for radiation imaging and detection
Novel semiconductor materials
Physics of clusters and cluster-based devices
Soft matter
Strongly electron correlated materials

Analysis and Modeling
Bio world of manufacturing
Cleaner (Green) Production
Cyber world of manufacturing
Developing international logistic networks
Distributed and grid systems
e-manufacturing and commerce
Factory and production planning
Global production networks
Knowledge management in manufacturing
Manufacturing Management
Manufacturing Processes and Systems
Micro and Nano Technologies
Micro/nano world of manufacturing
Novel processes and machinery
Process modeling and planning
Properties, Applications and Systems
Quality and maintenance management
Service and organization engineering
Sustainable production and green logistics

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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