International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Operation Research ICAMOR on May 20-21, 2025 in Tallinn, Estonia

International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Operation Research ICAMOR on May 20-21, 2025 in Tallinn, Estonia

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International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Operation Research (ICAMOR) May 20, 2025 - Tallinn, Estonia
Mathematical theory/applications
Applications of mathematics in management science
Innovative applications of mathematics in optimisation
Mathematics in developing computational theory/applications
Algorithms for efficient solution methodology
Mathematics of discrete/continuous/stochastic optimisation
Stochastic theory/models, statistical tools/techniques
Mathematical/dynamic/stochastic programming
Simulation techniques, AI/expert systems, machine learning
Control theory/methodologies, reliability
Mathematics of inventory theory/models
Queuing/transportation/location/network/game/scheduling theory/applications
Marketing models/optimisation, decision theory/support systems
OR mathematics in procurement/manufacturing/distribution/finance/accounting
Applied mathematical techniques in data mining/storage management
Supply chain management/modelling/analysis

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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