International Conference on Ambulatory Care and Critical Reasoning ICACCR on August 09-10, 2026 in New York, United States

International Conference on Ambulatory Care and Critical Reasoning ICACCR on August 09-10, 2026 in New York, United States

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International Conference on Ambulatory Care and Critical Reasoning (ICACCR) August 09, 2026 - New York, United States
Ambulatory care nursing
Hospital-based clinics
Patient homes
Ambulatory care
Outpatient care
Room visits
Hospital visits and readmissions
Quality and safety problems
Medical technology and procedures
Evidence based information
Clinical, organizational and professional activities
Management of acute illness
Practice acts
Regulatory standards
The standards of professional ambulatory care nursing
Ambulatory care nursing practice
Critical reasoning and astute clinical judgment
Nurse/patient encounters
Face-to-face encounters
Telecommunication strategies
Long term relationships

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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