International Conference on Alternative Medicine on December 07-09, 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

International Conference on Alternative Medicine on December 07-09, 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The "4th International Conference on Alternative Medicine" is being held in Dubai, UAE from December 07-09, 2023, and Alternative Medicine 2023 is honored to have all the world's most prominent figures in the field of alternative medicine as guests.

The goal of Alternative Medicine 2023 is to bring together top academics, medical professionals, practitioners, and business figures to exchange knowledge and research findings on complementary and alternative medicine.

The conference mainly features the theme of the congress “Promoting the advancements in the healing power of nature”

The primary goals of the conference are to educate attendees on the developments and advantages of these treatments, organize panel discussions on the most recent research findings, and promote organizational collaborations.

We are grateful for your kind presence, and this is a wonderful opportunity to highlight the many complementary medical modalities available, including Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Natural Medicines, Traditional Medicines, and Chinese or Oriented Medicines. Reputable keynote addresses, oral presentations, forums for young researchers, symposiums, poster presentations, and workshops are all part of Alternative Medicine 2023.

Alternative Medicine 2023 is a fantastic chance to interact with international experts on a single platform. With Alternative Medicine 2023, we promise you'll have an amazing time.

Come together with us as we explore the developments in alternative medicine in Dubai.

Session on: Alternate and Traditional Medicine

Before the development of modern medicine, traditional medicine has been evolving over many years through traditional knowledge. For their primary medical care, about 80% of the populations in Asia and Africa use traditional medicine. Traditional medicine is regarded as being safer because it uses natural ingredients rather than dangerous chemicals. Traditional medicine, also known as folk medicine or Indigenous medicine, is used to prevent, identify, treat, and improve physical and mental illnesses. Its knowledge, skills, and practices are passed down through generations within society.

Related association:

The Global Alternative medicine Association, International Alternative Medicine Association, The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The American Alternative medicine Association, Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India, Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Australasian Alternative Medicine Association

Related Societies:

Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, Ayurvedic organization, American Academy of Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization, Alternative medicine organizations, The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Alliance for Alternative medicine USA.

Related Journals:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.

Session on: Alternative Medicine - Advanced Treatments & Current Research

Alternative medicine is a practice that uses diet, exercise, drugs, herbs, devices, and manual techniques to treat and prevent disease. These medical practices are not science-based healthcare, but they produce comparable outcomes. Modern medical procedures can be improved by combining alternative medicine with complementary therapy. Stress reduction and relaxation are the main goals of complementary therapies.

Related association:

International Alternative Medicine Association, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The Australasian Alternative Medicine, Association Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India, Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Global Alternative medicine Association, The American Alternative medicine Association.

Related Societies:

American Academy of Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization, Alternative medicine organizations, Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, Ayurvedic organization, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Alliance for Alternative medicine USA, The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations.

Related Journals:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.

Session on: Holistic Approach of Alternative Medicine

In order to assess a person's health and wellness, holistic medicine takes into account their entire being, including their body, mind, spirit, and emotions. A person can achieve optimal health and wellness by having the right balance in their lives, according to the main tenet of the holistic approach to alternative medicine. The foundation of this method is the idea that healing occurs best when the patient and the doctor have a good working relationship.

Related association:

Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Global Alternative medicine Association, International Alternative Medicine Association, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The American Alternative medicine Association, The Australasian Alternative Medicine, Association Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India.

Related Societies:

The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations, American Academy of Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization, Alternative medicine organizations, Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, Ayurvedic organization, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Alliance for Alternative medicine USA.

Related Journals:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.

Related Conferences:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Session on: Acupuncture

With a long history spanning more than 2500 years, acupuncture is a type of complementary medicine. The fundamental tenet of acupuncture is that the flow of qi, also known as chi, through our bodies is vital to our overall health. When these energy patterns are off, diseases develop. The procedure involves penetrating the patient's skin with tiny needles at various depths and points. According to researchers, it can combat complaints and treat pain.

Related association:

The Global Alternative medicine Association, International Alternative Medicine Association, The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The American Alternative medicine Association, Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India, Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Australasian Alternative Medicine Association

Related Societies:

Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, Ayurvedic organization, American Academy of Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization, Alternative medicine organizations, The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Alliance for Alternative medicine USA.

Related Journals:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.

 Session on: Ayurveda and Homeopathy

The alternative medicine known as Ayurveda has its roots in a 5000-year-old Indian tradition. Ayurvedic physicians view a person's physical, mental, and psychological well-being as a cohesive system that mutually influences one another. The homeopathic theory goes beyond the capabilities of physics. Homeopathy operates under the tenet that "like cures like" in its therapeutic approach. According to homeopathy, substances leave a molecular blueprint in the water that speeds up the body's healing process. Homeopathy is used in conjunction with conventional medicine; it is not a substitute for it in the treatment of cancer.

Related association:

International Alternative Medicine Association, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The Australasian Alternative Medicine, Association Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India, Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Global Alternative medicine Association, The American Alternative medicine Association.

Related Societies:

American Academy of Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization, Alternative medicine organizations, Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, Ayurvedic organization, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Alliance for Alternative medicine USA, The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations.

Related Journals:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.

Session on: Safety of Alternative Medicine

It is strongly advised to think about the safety of alternative medicinal products and practices, just like with any other form of treatment. Each alternative medical procedure and practice should have its safety procedures depending on the specific procedure. Yoga and meditation are frequently regarded as being risk-free for healthy individuals, but herbal medications are easily accessible without a prescription in stores, creating a false sense of security.

Related association:

Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Global Alternative medicine Association, International Alternative Medicine Association, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The American Alternative medicine Association, The Australasian Alternative Medicine, Association Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India.

Related Societies:

Alliance for Alternative medicine USA, Alternative medicine organizations, Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations, American Academy of Alternative medicine, Ayurvedic organization, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization.

Related Journals:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.

Session on: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a branch of medicine with a 2500-year history that combines various herbal treatments, acupuncture, massage, exercise, and dietary regimens. China is where TCM is most frequently used. The fundamental tenet of TCM is that the body's "vital energy" is constantly flowing. Whenever there is an imbalance in the energy flow, illness and disease will result. Many people combine TCM with their traditional medical procedures when providing for their health. Today, alternative medicines include acupuncture and other traditional Chinese medicines.

Related association:

International Alternative Medicine Association, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The Australasian Alternative Medicine, Association Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India, Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Global Alternative medicine Association, The American Alternative medicine Association.

Related Societies:

The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations, American Academy of Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization, Alternative medicine organizations, Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, Ayurvedic organization, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Alliance for Alternative medicine USA.

Related Journals:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alterative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | Internationalnference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.

Session on: Herbal Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals

Nutraceuticals are a substance or a part of a food supplement that is not only diet sustenance but helps to prevent and treat the disease or illness. Nutraceuticals can be used to prevent disease, improve health, slowdowns the aging process, or just maintains and supports the functions of the body. These items go from proteins, a vitamin, minerals, pure mixes, and traditional based used as a part of cases, and tablets to sustenance that contain reinforced bioactive fixings. Everything from vitamins, and supplements to sports drinks, farm products, snacks, and pre-arranged uptake routine dinners are considered Nutraceuticals.

Related association:

The Global Alternative medicine Association, International Alternative Medicine Association, The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The American Alternative medicine Association, Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India, Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Australasian Alternative Medicine Association.

Related Societies:

Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, Ayurvedic organization, American Academy of Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization, Alternative medicine organizations, The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Alliance for Alternative medicine USA.

Related Journals:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.

Session on: Arabic and Unani Medicine

Unani is a form of complementary medicine that has its roots primarily in Greece but is now popular in India. Unani medicine employs dietary modifications, herbal remedies, and alternative therapies in the prevention and treatment of disease. The foundation of Unani is the idea that certain elements are present in the fluid, and that this fluid must be in balance for one to be healthy and ill. The four senses of humor are the name for these liquids (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile). Despite the paucity of scientific studies on the health effects of Unani medicine, studies on animals have shown some advantages for conditions like arthritis, cataracts, and brain health.

Related association:

Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Global Alternative medicine Association, International Alternative Medicine Association, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The American Alternative medicine Association, The Australasian Alternative Medicine, Association Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India.

Related Societies:

The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations, American Academy of Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization, Alternative medicine organizations, Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, Ayurvedic organization, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Alliance for Alternative medicine USA.

Related Journals:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.

Session on: Yoga and Meditation

Yoga is thought to balance the body, mind, and spirit while calming the nervous system. One of the CAM therapies that were most frequently used in the United States in 2002 was yoga. It is a system that was created in ancient India and adds breathing exercises, flexibility, and focus to different exercise poses. According to studies, yoga improves coordination, flexibility, sleep, and digestion while lowering heart rate, blood pressure, and anxiety. Yoga also aids in pain relief.

Related association:

The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The American Alternative medicine Association, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Global Alternative medicine Association, International Alternative Medicine Association, The Australasian Alternative Medicine, Association Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India.

Related Societies:

American Academy of Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization, Alternative medicine organizations, Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, Ayurvedic organization, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Alliance for Alternative medicine USA, The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations.

Related Journals:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.

Session on: Naturopathy

Natural, non-invasive, and self-healing alternative medicine is known as naturopathy. Naturopathy is based on the idea that the human body can heal itself through vital energy, which directs the body's internal processes. Naturopaths avoid using evidence-based medicine in their efforts to prevent disease and illness by lowering stress levels, altering diet, and changing lifestyle choices. Naturopathy encourages drug-free living and healthy living.

Related association:

The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The American Alternative medicine Association, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Global Alternative medicine Association, International Alternative Medicine Association, The Australasian Alternative Medicine, Association Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India.

Related Societies:

The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations, American Academy of Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization, Alternative medicine organizations, Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, Ayurvedic organization, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Alliance for Alternative medicine USA.

Related Journals:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.

Session on: Chiropractic Medicine

The musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine, is diagnosed and treated using this alternative form of medicine. Chiropractic treatment involves the manipulation of other joints and tissues in addition to the spine. Chiropractic adjustments are intended to correct alignment issues, reduce pain, enhance function, and support the body's innate capacity for self-healing in other body parts. Low back pain, headaches, conditions of the upper and lower extremities of the joints, and disorders linked to whiplash can all benefit from spinal manipulation treatment.

Related association:

The Global Alternative medicine Association, International Alternative Medicine Association, The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The American Alternative medicine Association, Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India, Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Australasian Alternative Medicine Association.

Related Societies:

Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, Ayurvedic organization, American Academy of Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization, Alternative medicine organizations, The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Alliance for Alternative medicine USA.

Related Journals:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.

Session on: Osteopathic Medicine

Osteopathy is a manual therapy that doesn't utilize drugs, is non-invasive, and concentrates on the entire body, not just the area that has been hurt or harmed. Osteopathic doctors place a greater emphasis on the joints, muscles, and spine, which is beneficial in the treatment of postural disorders, arthritis, back pain, headaches, tennis elbow, and digestive problems. The method used to identify and treat the issue is osteopathic manipulative medicine.

Related association:

International Alternative Medicine Association, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The Australasian Alternative Medicine, Association Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India, Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Global Alternative medicine Association, The American Alternative medicine Association.

Related Societies:

American Academy of Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization, Alternative medicine organizations, Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, Ayurvedic organization, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Alliance for Alternative medicine USA, The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations.

Related Journals:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.

Session on: Kampo

According to kampo, it's crucial to keep the balance between one's physical and mental health because the mind and body are inextricably linked. Kampo is a type of traditional Japanese medicine that has its roots mostly in China. Various well-known substances, like cinnamon and oyster shells, are used as medicinal components in Kampo treatments. Kampo is widely used in Japan for daily health and fitness as well as for the treatment and prevention of sickness and illness. About 70% of doctors, according to the magazine Nikkei Medical, prescribe the Kampo medication.

Related association:

The Global Alternative medicine Association, International Alternative Medicine Association, The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The American Alternative medicine Association, Alternative medicine association, Alternative Medicine Association of India, Indian Institute of Alternative medicine, The Australasian Alternative Medicine Association

Related Societies:

Alternative Medicine organization, Acupuncture organization, Ayurvedic organization, American Academy of Alternative medicine, Herbalism organization, Alternative medicine organizations, The Council on Alternative Medicine Education, Unani medicine organizations, Alliance for Alternative medicine, Alliance for Alternative medicine USA.

Related Journals:

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Alternative medicine Review, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Alternative and Alternative medicine, Alternative Medicine in Health and Medicine, American Journal of Alternative medicine, Journal of the American Alternative Medicine Association, Homeopathy, Acupuncture in Medicine.

Related Conferences:

International Conference on Alternative medicine | International Conference on Traditional Medicine | Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Traditional Medicine | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Traditional Medicine Conference | International Conference on Alternative Medicine and Acupuncture | International Conference on Alternative medicine and Naturopathy.


Name: Anne Francis

The "4th International Conference on Alternative Medicine" is being held in Dubai, UAE from December 07-09, 2023, and Alternative Medicine 2023 is honored to have all the world's most prominent figures in the field of alternative medicine as guests.
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