International Conference on Additive Manufacturing Technologies ICAMT on July 29-30, 2026 in Istanbul, Turkey

International Conference on Additive Manufacturing Technologies ICAMT on July 29-30, 2026 in Istanbul, Turkey

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International Conference on Additive Manufacturing Technologies (ICAMT) July 29, 2026 - Istanbul, Turkey
System and sustainability considerations for emerging manufacturing technologies
Sustainable manufacturing processes and systems
Key technologies for cloud manufacturing
Information extraction and utilization for monitoring and control of multistage Manufacturing processes
Intelligent maintenance decision Making of manufacturing systems
Competitive manufacturing engineering
Sustainable manufacturing Technologies and practices
Advances in experiments and modeling of micromechanics and microstructure evolution in manufacturing processes
Materials processing, microstructure, plasticity and testing
Advances in manufacturing of metals, ceramics and metal matrix composites
Advances in abrasive machining processes
Advances in assisted/augmented manufacturing processes
Advances in energy beam based surface modification
Advances in modeling, analysis, and simulation of manufacturing processes
Advances in nontraditional manufacturing processes
Advances in processing of polymers and polymer-based composites
Challenges and innovations in additive manufacturing
Green energy manufacturing
Innovations in equipment design, tooling, and control/automation to enhance manufacturing processes
Innovations in joining and assembly processes
Innovations in materials forming processes
Substitution and enhancement of traditional manufacturing processes with laser-based techniques: technical and economic feasibility
Monitoring, sensing, and control for intelligent machining and inspection
Laser, process innovations and energy field manufacturing methodology
Electronics and integrated circuits, embedded technology and applications
Electrical engineering and electric machines
Engineering design and graphics
Instrumentation and measurement technologies
Manufacturing and industrial engineering, management applications
Mechatronics and control theory
Modern control, automation and reverse engineering

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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