International Commerce and Distribution Landscape on March 20-21, 2024 in Washington, United States

International Commerce and Distribution Landscape on March 20-21, 2024 in Washington, United States

Topics include:

Manage and mitigate the risk of supply chain disruptions

Hot topics roundtable session:

- Machine to Machine (M2M) Economy – pros and cons of automated sales and payments in the Internet of Things (IoT)

- Supply chain in the metaverse; thinking new business models for interconnected procurement, services and product development

- Implications of smart manufacturing: news for distribution, intellectual property and competition

- Practical challenges in online business and the metaverse

- Export controls targeting the semiconductor supply chain

Supply chain nearshoring in times of conflict and increasing economic and trade sanctions: Latest trends and best practices/challenges in implementation

Shareholders, board of director and chief officers' responsibility due to supply chain operations – best corporate practices

ESG in the international trade and supply chain

Clause and effect: attorney wellbeing in the world of contracts


Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Young lawyers (under 30 years): USD 890.00,

Academics / judges (full-time): USD 890.00,

Public lawyers: USD 890.00,

Corporate counsel: USD 1070.00,

IBA member: USD 1190.00,

Non-member: USD 1355.00

Name: International Bar Association

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