International Cancer Science Congress on October 12-14, 2024 in Cagliari, Italy

International Cancer Science Congress on October 12-14, 2024 in Cagliari, Italy

The 2nd  International Cancer Science Congress 2024 aims to gather the leading international experts in the field of oncology. This is a "scientific retreat" (self-funded; not commercially sponsored) where new paradigms and novel therapeutic approaches in Cancer Science will be discussed. The meeting will consist of selected oral presentations and keynote lectures. We encourage the participation of PhD students and postdocs. Special Awards for young presenters. Travel grants are available.

The 2nd  International Cancer Science Congress 2024 aims to gather the leading international experts in the field of oncology. This is a "scientific retreat" (self-funded; not commercially sponsored) where new paradigms and novel therapeutic approaches in Cancer Science will be discussed. The meeting will consist of selected oral presentations and keynote lectures. We encourage the participation of PhD students and postdocs. Special Awards for young presenters. Travel grants are available.

Name: Università del Piemonte Orientale
Address: via Duomo, 6 - 13100 Vercelli

Academic institution
Description Price Date
regular EUR 700.00 Before September 30, 2024
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