Global Virtual Summit on Environmental Health on May 17-18, 2021 in Windsor, United Kingdom

Global Virtual Summit on Environmental Health on May 17-18, 2021 in Windsor, United Kingdom

As a representative of Global Virtual Summit on Environmental Health, we are pleased to welcome you to connect with the Webinar scheduled on May 17-18, 2021 which is an outstanding assembly for the worldwide prominent professionals in the field of Environmental Science where Administrators, Scientists, Professors, Researchers, Students and Delegates are about to share their research work and accepting newly emerging developments in the conference areas.

Environmental Health 2021 is an International platform to study about the timely detection as well as dealing based on Professional standards, and intense research to complete precautions for whole Environmental Health issues. The conference contains significant international experts in Environmental Health specialists, researchers and general practitioners, Students, Delegates and professors form all over the world to our webinar with the theme “Environmental Education in a Time of Eco Systemic Crisis’’. Webinar will be featuring oral presentations, picture presentations, keynote discussions, workspaces and many more.

The conference will focus on Environmental sciences, Environmental Diseases, Climate change and infectious diseases, Global warming, Environmental Epidemiology, Rehabilitation of Environment, Climate change and nutrition, Pollution research, Environmental hazards, Ecology conservation, Ecological development, Air quality and atmospheric pollution, Biological effects of chemicals, Environmental health and toxicology, Ecological risk and assessment management.

Track 1: Environmental Health

The environment can directly and indirectly impact on our health and welfare. Environmental health studies the interaction between the environment and our health. Environmental health refers to aspects of living beings health (including excellence of life) that are determined by physical, natural, organic, communal and psychosocial factors in the environment. Environment generally includes all exterior to us, as well as the physical, natural, social and behavioural environments. Health is a state of complete physical, intellectual and common wellbeing, and is not simply the absence of disease or illness. We need harmless, healthy and assuring environments for good health. The environment in which we live is a major factor of our health and comfort.

Track 2: Global Warming

Global warming is the abnormal change in Earth's normal surface high temperature over the earlier period mainly due to the greenhouse gases released as human’s burn fossil fuels. Global warming doesn't just mean warming, which is why "climate change" has turned out to be the ideal term among researchers and policymakers. Although the earth is appealing hotter on average, this temperature increase can have unpredictable effects, such as regular and severe snowstorms. Environmental change can and will affect the earth in numerous ways: by melting ice, by drying out already-arid areas, by affecting weather extremes and by unsettling the delicate balance of the oceans.

Track 3: Pollution and Health Effects

Pollutions have many adverse health effects from early life some of the most significant harmful effects are perinatal disorders, infant mortality, breathing disorders, allergy, distortions, cardiac disorders, and increase in stress oxidative, endothelial dysfunction, psychological disorders, and many other harmful effects. Numerous studies have exposed that environmental particulate exposure has been related to increased risk of illness and mortality from many diseases, organ instabilities, cancers, and other chronic diseases. Therefore it is time to accomplish and control the pollution.

Air pollution.

Water pollution.

Soil pollution.

Light pollution.

Noise pollution.

Track 4: Waste Management and Treatment

Several possibilities are available for hazardous-waste management. The most necessary is to reduce the amount of waste at its source or to reutilize the materials for some other productive use. Nevertheless, while reduction and reutilizing are necessary options, they are not observed as the concluding remedy to the problem of hazardous-waste clearance. There will always be a necessity for treatment and for storage or clearance of certain quantity of hazardous waste. Waste management is a main element of environmental protection. Its purpose is to offer hygienic, efficient and economic solid waste storage, collection, transportation and treatment or removal of waste without polluting the atmosphere, soil or water system.

Track 5: Climate Change and Sustainability

For many, a warming climatic system is likely to affect the accessibility of basic requirements like freshwater, food safety, and energy, while hard work amends climate change, both through edition and modification, will also notify and figure the global development plan. The relations between climate change and sustainable development are strong. Poor and developing nations, generally least developed nations, will be among those most badly affected and least capable to manage with the anticipated shocks to their societal, economic and natural systems. The objective of sustainable development is to allow all people throughout the world to satisfy their basic requirements and enjoy a better quality of life, without compromising the quality of life of upcoming generations.

Track 6: Agriculture & Food Security

The science, art, and occupation of cultivating soil, making crops, and raising livestock; farming. Marketable farms and estates which deliver vegetables and meat to the overall public are samples of agriculture. Preservation of nation's food supply requires that the food supply be structured and supervised according to science-based principles. Certifying food safety protects a broad range of developments, from on-farm production, to processing, supply, storage, collection, preparation, and consumption. Four simple food safety principles work composed to reduce the risk of foodborne illness—Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill.

Track 7: Biodiversity Conservation

Biodiversity conservation refers to the safety, upliftment, and supervision of biodiversity in order to derive sustainable profits for existing and upcoming generations. It is believed that an area with higher species abundance has added steady environment compared to an area with lower species abundance. We can further claim the necessity of biodiversity by considering our degree of reliance on the environment. We depend directly on various species of plant for our numerous needs. Likewise, we depend on various species of animals and microbes for different reasons.

Track 8: Soil Science

The unconsolidated mineral or biological material on the straight surface of the ground that assists as fixed standard for the development of land plants. The upper bounds of soil is the boundary between soil and air, shallow water, live plants, or plant materials that have not begun to decompose. Developments in watershed, natural resource, and environmental sciences have presented that soil is the foundation of basic ecosystem utility. Soil filters our water, delivers necessary nutrients to our forests and crops, and helps to normalize the Earth's temperature as well as many of the important greenhouse gases.

Track 9: Bio Energy and Biofuels

Bioenergy supports stimulate regional economic development and employment by providing fresh, decentralised and diversified revenue streams from bioenergy and biomass production. Biofuels are a renewable energy source, made from organic matter or wastes that can play a valuable part in reducing carbon dioxide releases. Biofuels are one of the major sources of renewable energy in use currently. In the transport sector, they are combined with existing fuels such as gasoline and diesel.

Track 10: Climate Change and Mental Health

Climate change and associated disasters cause anxiety-related responses as well as chronic and severe mental health disorders. Flooding and prolonged deficiencies have been related with raised levels of concern, depression and post-traumatic stress disorders. Early research advises that concern over climate change may contribute to a number of mental health challenges, with anxiety, guilt, and grief. Paradoxically, severe weather can also have certain positive effects. People tend to pull together in a crisis. Studies show that life-threatening weather changes can negatively affect mental health.



Women’s Mental Health

Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Mental Health Awareness

Track 11: Environmental Toxicology

Environmental Toxicology is the multidisciplinary study of the effects of manmade and steady chemicals on health and the environment. This contains the study of the effects of chemicals on organisms in their natural environments and in the ecosystems to which they belong. Environmental toxicologists study the properties of toxic chemicals on organisms in their natural environments, as well as the ecosystems they fit in to. For example, they might conduct laboratory experiments to describe the effects of a toxin at various concentrations.

Track 12: Environmental Hazards

An environmental hazard is any condition, progression, or state critically affecting the environment. Environmental hazards marked as physical or chemical pollution in air, water, and soils. Environmental hazards can cause widespread damage to humans and the physical environment. Design the exposure, by not consuming hazardous elements, or else using them in such a manner that no individual is unprotected. If it does not entirely prevent exposure, then prevent or minimize emission of the substances to the air.

Chemical Hazards

Physical Hazards

Biological Hazards

Psychosocial Hazards

Track 13: Environmental Epidemiology

Environmental epidemiology is one of the most significant outfits used in environmental management choice making owed to its ability to assess and monitor environmental hazards in different situations and quantify their health impact on the population at threat. Environmental epidemiologists study health effects with known or suspected bonds to environmental contaminants. They study developmental delays, neurological disorders, cardio-pulmonary diseases, and further health effects in people of all ages.

Track 14: Ecosystem Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation emphasizes the reparation of ecosystem routes, productivity and services, while the goals of restoration also contain the re-establishment of the pre-existing biotic integrity in terms of species composition and community structure. Restoring ecosystems huge and slight guards and advances the livelihoods of people who depend on them. It also helps to normalize disease and reduce the threat of natural disasters. In detail, restoration can assist us achieve all of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Non-Renewable Resource Conservation Summit | Aquaculture Meeting | Ecosystems and Ecology Conference

Track 15: Non-Renewable Resource Conservation

Track 16: Aquaculture

Aquaculture (generally suggested as aquiculture), is about aqua farming, is the farming of sea food like fish, lobster, molluscs, aquatic plant natural life, algae, and many living being. Mari culture talk about aquaculture accomplished in marine environments and in underwater habitats. Fishing can be devastating to the environment, but if aquaculture is finished properly, it can actually be beneficial to the ecosystem. In a time where necessity is at an all-time high and supply is falling, fish farming can help supply product but also preserve our water and the surrounding environment harmless.

Track 17: Ecosystems and Ecology

An ecosystem contains of all the organisms in an area, the community, and the abiotic aspects that influence that community. Ecosystem ecologists usually focus on flow of energy and recycling of nutrients. Ecology is the study of how organisms act together with one another and with their physical environment. The supply and abundance of organisms on Earth is shaped by biotic, living-organism-related, and abiotic, non-living or physical, factors. Ecology develops our world and is essential for human wellbeing and prosperity. It affords new knowledge of the interdependence between people and nature that is vital for food production, preserving clean air and water, and sustaining biodiversity in a changing climate.

Molecular Ecology.

Organismal Ecology.

Population Ecology.

Community Ecology.

Global Ecology.

Landscape Ecology.

Ecosystem Ecology.

Track 18: Human Impact on Environment

In order to come across the basic requirements of increasing population, the current society has under taken a series of stages like rapid industrialization, unplanned urbanisation, deforestation, overexploitation of natural sources, etc. Humans affect the environment in optimistic and bad ways. Cutting down trees and littering have a harmful effect on animals and plants. Protecting endangered species and cleaning lakes and seas has an optimistic effect on the environment. Healthy ecosystems clean our water, purifies our air, preserve our soil, normalize the weather, recycle nutrients and provide us with food.

Track 19: Healthcare Management

A Healthy Work Environment is one that is harmless, empowering, and sufficient. Parallel to the World Health Organization meaning of health, it is not merely the nonappearance of real and perceived threats to health, but a place of physical, mental, and social well-being, supporting best health and safety. Environmental hazards raise the risk of cancer, heart disease, asthma, and many other diseases. The healthcare system suggests four broad types of services: health raise, disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and rehabilitation.

Track 20: Industrial Health and Toxicology

About industrial toxicology, which basically defined is the study of the unsafe effects of chemicals, biological agents and physical agents encountered in the workplace. It is unrealistic to imagine any single individual, even an industrial toxicologist, to have immediate responses to all. Evaluating medical effects built on the amount of exposure is a basic toxicology principle called dose-response. Toxicology, industrial health and associated disciplines include various methods of human contact with potentially harmful external factors: chemical or microbiological agents, asbestos, climatological conditions, noise, vibration, lighting, electromagnetic fields, etc.

Track 21: Environmental Risk and Assessment Management

Environmental risk management pursues to fix what environmental risks happen and then determine how to accomplish those risk in a way best suited to safeguard human health and the environment. The predominant low literacy level, the absence of mass media oriented towards environmental problems, poor public awareness, the weak environmental movement, and the lack of institutionalization of environmental concerns are the major constraints working contrary to a proper environmental risk assessment system. Risk assessment is used to arrange sites and to set action and clean-up criteria for contaminated land. The objective is to certify that land is harmless for re-use without giving a long-term environmental liability.

Track 22: Environmental Technology

Environmental technology is well-known as green or clean technology and denotes to the development of fresh technologies which target to conserve, monitor or reduce the undesirable impact of technology on the environment and the consumption of resources. The efficiency of a technology is a super significant characteristic of an eco-friendly technology as it directly relates to energy consumption. If this technology necessitates a lot more energy to be laid in than it produces, this causes an enormous consumption of energy and resources, which rightly affects our planet. Technology may eventually provide substantial results to our environmental woes. Our technological innovations have the probability to harm our environment, but if we use them wisely and improve sustainable planning, they could also support to solve the ecological difficulties we've created.

Name: ConferenceSeries LLC Ltd

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