CDAO on May 07-08, 2024 in Randwick, Australia

CDAO on May 07-08, 2024 in Randwick, Australia

Be part of the data revolution by using data and AI to transform your business DNA. Influence change by providing the data building blocks that will enable your enterprise to become a world-class digital ecosystem with revolutionary decision-making capability.


Key themes and takeaways:

- Governance and Privacy Protect your data and your consumers with the right governance, AI and privacy strategies

- Education and Culture Cultivate the date culture needed to become a fully data-driven organisation with strong education practices

- Data Redefined Revaluate the data landscape to determine the best opportunities for growth, from AI to education.

- Business Risk and Opportunities Explore opportunities and risks to continue to tap into new growth avenues with data, AI and analytics.

- AI and Innovation Deliver positive change to your business with innovation, AI and creativity.



General Admission: AUD 2299.00


Time: 08:15 to 17:15

Name: Corinium Global Intelligence
Address: 20-22 Wenlock Road

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